Frontiers in DID

Prof. Brantly Callaway

Starting October 17th, 2023

This course provides an in-depth introduction to panel data approaches to causal inference. The first part of the course reviews how new "heterogeneity-robust" estimation strategies address some important limitations of traditional two-way fixed effects regressions in difference-in-differences applications, and then provides an in-depth discussion/comparison of many of these approaches. This part also includes a number of practical extensions such as how to include covariates in the parallel trends assumption and dealing with "bad controls". The second part of the course discusses how the insights of recent work on difference-in-differences can apply in a number of other settings that frequently arise in empirical work. And, in particular, this part of the course provides connections between the difference-in-differences literature and alternative identification strategies (conditioning on lagged outcomes, change-in-changes, and interactive fixed effects models) and also how to deal with more complicated treatment regimes (continuous treatments or treatments that can change value over time).

This is one of our advanced courses. These courses are designed assuming a solid foundation in the basics of the difference-in-differences methodology and will cover the frontiers of the topic. A good review is:

All course material is available free and open source via our Github Repository .

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Sign-up today to ensure access to this workshop.


  • Attendance to the workshop with Prof. Brantly Callaway.
  • Complete set of example code to implement the methods discussed.
  • PDF lecture slides and video recordings for later reference.

Our workshop will bring you to the cutting edge

October 17th

Day 1 6pm-9pm EST

  1. 'Heterogeneity-robust' DID estimation
  2. Including covariates in the parallel trends assumption
  3. Dealing with 'bad controls'

October 19th

Day 2 6pm-9pm EST

  1. Alternative identification strategies (conditioning on lagged outcomes, change-in-changes, and interactive fixed effects models)
  2. More complicated treatment regimes (continuous treatments or treatments that can change value over time)

Who will be hosting this session?

Prof. Brantly Callaway
Brantly Callaway is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Georgia. His main research interests lie in econometrics, and, in particular, developing methods to use panel data (that is, repeated observations on the same location, firm, or person over time) to evaluate the effects of economic policies. He also has substantive research interests in labor economics and has studied intergenerational income mobility, job displacement, minimum wage policies, and unions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are discounts available?

Yes! Students, postdocs, predocs and residents of middle-income countries can attend for $50 plus a few dollars in fees. Non-tenure track faculty can attend for $95. To receive your promo code, please include a photo of your student ID. International folks from low-income countries can attend for $1. To receive promo codes, email us at

How do I access the material I need for the course?

The course material will be availabe forever on Github. We will also send you links to the video recordings on Vimeo after the workshop is completed.

How long will it take me to master this?

That's a great question. Causal inference, and econometrics more generally, is largely a “returns to experience” type of skill as much as it is a returns to education. The best way for you to learn anything in these classes is to work on projects that require it. Our class is designed as a fast track to both.

Will we practice programming?

Yes, I will distribute assignments with readings with directions the night before. We will help each other in Discord, asking questions, pointing out mistakes I'm making, and helping one another problem solve. I will usually assign more than we can do that faster workers always have something to work on. And in the end, I will distribute the solutions. It'll be fun I promise!

Will there be recordings?

We will upload recordings to Vimeo and they will be password protected, so that only attendees can watch the videos.

I'm nervous that I can't handle the difficulty of the class.

Don't be. I'm a good teacher. If I can learn this, so can you.